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Outdoor Learning

12 June 2015 (by admin)

Check out the video of Year 5 sharing their thoughts on the beauty of outdoor learning. You can find it on the Year 5 class page (Children>Class Pages>Goldfinches).

For the remainder of this term, the staff and children at Nonsuch Primary are focussing on maximising the use of the outdoor learning environment. As a staff, we are always planning different learning opportunities in and out of school. We believe in the development of the whole child and recognise the vast wealth of learning opportunities both within our school grounds and further afield. This week, we spent our staff training time at Nonsuch Park and we are looking forward to exploring how we can use this space to further enhance our curriculum teaching. Look out for any messages from class teachers in the coming weeks, requesting additional adults to join us as we explore this new land! To support this focus, why not look for ways to engage in outdoor learning with your children this summer. Whether that be physically challenging activities like tree climbing and den building, or something more serene like listening to the sounds of nature in amongst the woodland or attempting some nature-themed art activities. For thousands more ideas about how to make the most of the world around us, please visit http://www.naturedetectives.org.uk/.