Admission details

Nursery Intake

Nursery places are allocated on a part-time basis, either a morning or afternoon session. Places are allocated in accordance with ‘The London Borough of Sutton’s Admission Policy’. All parents may apply for a nursery place for their child at Nonsuch, regardless of where they live. Children are admitted in the September, January or April after their 3rd birthdays. Unfortunately, a place in the nursery does not guarantee a place in the main school. Parents will still need to apply for a main school place.

Applications for Nursery places for 2023/2024 are now open. Applications will be dealt with directly by the school.  Please click here for a nursery application.  We now offer a limited number of 30 hour places.  If you are interested in the 30 hour provision, please contact the school.

Main School

Main school places are allocated on a full time basis, Monday to Friday. You should contact the London Borough of Sutton directly in order to apply for a place. 

Click here for the 2021/2022 Admissions Arrangements

Click here for the 2022/2023 Admissions Arrangements 

Click here for the 2023/2024 Admissions Arrangements

Further Details

Further details, application forms and admissions criteria (including how to apply to be on our waiting list) are available from the London Borough of Sutton by clicking here.